Traditionally, Abgoosht is cooked in special clay pots called Dizi, which give the dish its unique flavor.
Place the pot into the preheated oven.
Once it starts boiling, skim off the foam and season with turmeric, pepper, cinnamon stick, and tomato paste.
After 1 ½ hours, add the tomato, potato, dried lime (Limoo Amani), and salt.
Continue cooking for another hour.
For the rest of the ingredients, you can either leave them whole and enjoy with the bread,
or use a Gooshtkoob (meat tenderizer) to mash them in the pot.
Take a spoonful of the mashed mixture and place it on a piece of Sangak bread.
Top with onions, spring onions, or fresh basil. Enjoy!
Serve with fresh Basil, onions or spring onions, bitter orange or limes, Sir Torshi (pickled garlic), Torshi Liteh (sour pickled vegetables), Khiyar Shoor (pickled salt cucumbers), and Mast-e Chekideh (Labneh, a thick yogurt). Enjoy your Dizi feast!