The meatballs are filled with dried apricots, walnuts, and raisins, and then simmered in a delectable sauce made with pomegranate molasses, tomato paste, and rice.
Finely grate the onion into a large bowl and squeeze out the liquid. The grated onion must not contain any liquid.
Add the minced meat, dried mint, chickpea flour, turmeric, salt and pepper and knead everything thoroughly for 10 – 15 minutes.
Remove tangerine-sized portions from the mixture, shape into balls and flatten.
Place a dried apricot in the middle, add a walnut on top and place raisins around it.
Shape the Koofteh into balls again to hide the stuffing. If necessary, add a bit of the minced meat mixture. Ensure that there are no holes in the meatballs, or else they will pop open when cooked.
Heat a little oil in the ELO saucepan and briefly fry the dried mint until it starts to sizzle.
Add the tomato paste and fry briefly.
Then stir in the pomegranate molasses and mix well.
Add this mixture to the rice and onions and mix well.
Remove the Koofteh from the fridge.
Heat enough oil in a large pan and fry the Koofteh on all sides until golden brown.
Carefully place the fried Koofteh in the sauce.
Cook uncovered at medium heat for the first 15 minutes, then put the lid on and simmer for a further 30 minutes, reducing the heat slightly.
The sauce thickens as it cools. If you have some left over, reheat the Koofteh in the sauce after it has cooled without adding any more liquid.