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Gozleme with Spinach and Feta Cheese

Gozleme with Spinach and Feta Cheese

Picture yourself in a lively Turkish market, surrounded by the irresistible aromas of freshly baked goodies. The chefs are bustling around their sizzling pots, and the air is filled with the delicious scent of warm bread and fragrant herbs. That’s exactly how it smells in my kitchen, and soon in yours too, maybe!

Today, I’m excited to share with you the recipe for gözleme with spinach and feta, a delightful Turkish street food. It’s a simple yet mouthwatering specialty from Anatolian cuisine. The thin, crispy dough is packed with tender spinach and creamy feta cheese. The first bite is an absolute treat: the creamy feta blends beautifully with the flavorful spinach, and the light crispiness of the crust creates the perfect balance. Enjoy!

watch my preparation video on Instagram


Gözleme is this amazing Turkish dish that has been enjoyed in Turkey for centuries. The name “gözleme” comes from the Turkish word “göz”, which means “eye”. This might refer to the little “eyes” or indentations that form when the dough is baked on a “sac”, a hot plate. Nowadays, gözleme is not only loved in Turkey but also in many other countries. You can find it being sold at markets, cafés, and street stalls, and it’s a big part of Turkish street food. Even though the way it’s made has changed over time, the traditional way of cooking and the different fillings are still really important in Turkish culinary traditions.


Did you know that the history of gözleme is deeply rooted in the culture of the nomadic peoples of Anatolia? These folks, known for their wandering lifestyle, were in search of practical and nutritious food that was easy to transport and prepare. Gözleme is a type of flatbread filled with various yummy ingredients like spinach, cheese, potatoes, or minced meat. Interestingly, in Persian cuisine, a similar dish is called kelaneh. Delicious, right?


The mouthwatering Turkish dish gözleme is all about a special dough made with skill. The dough only needs four simple ingredients: flour, water, salt, and olive oil. It may sound simple, but getting the dough just right is an art form. The Turkish name for this dough, “yufka”, means “thin and fragile”, and that’s exactly how it should be – rolled out so thin you can almost see through it using a Turkish pastry roller called oklava. This takes a lot of skill and practice! Gözleme is traditionally cooked on an open fire or a hot iron plate (sac), giving it that irresistible crispy texture and unique


It is so amazing because you can fill it with all sorts of yummy ingredients! The fillings change depending on the region and what ingredients are available. Each region has its own special variations and secret recipes. Check out these popular and creative filling ideas:


This classic combo is a winner! Fresh spinach mixed with crumbled feta cheese, and a touch of onion and garlic for extra flavor.


For a heartier gözleme, fill it with seasoned minced meat, onions, and maybe even some peppers or tomatoes.


Combine boiled and mashed potatoes with cheese for a creamy and satisfying filling.


Saute finely chopped mushrooms and mix them with cheese for a hearty umami-rich flavor.


Try using ripe tomatoes and mozzarella for an Italian touch, and add a little basil for extra flavor.


Gently sauté leeks and mix them with creamy feta cheese for a deliciously aromatic filling.


For a unique option, mix baked pumpkin and goat’s cheese, seasoned with a touch of thyme or rosemary. Enjoy!


Feta cheese mixed with sliced black olives creates a salty and savory filling.


Cooked lentils seasoned with onions, cumin, and coriander provide a spicy and nutritious filling.


A blend of sheep’s cheese and fresh herbs like parsley, dill, or mint gives the gözleme a fresh and aromatic profile.

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It’s the first Sunday of the month, and that means it’s time for Leckeres für jeden Tag with the theme “Stuffed dumplings”! Our blog event about stuffed dumplings has brought together some fantastic bloggers to share their creative recipes with us. Each of them has their own special way of preparing these tasty morsels. It’s really exciting to see how varied and tasty these dumplings can be! Check them out, get inspired, and discover new favorite recipes. We’re sure you’ll find some delicious ideas that you’ll want to try out for yourself. Have fun browsing and cooking! All recipes in German.

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Bianca von ELBCUISINE mit Blitzschnelle Erdbeer-Blätterteigtaschen

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makes 12 – 14 pieces

600 g Bread Flour

1 tsp salt

270 -300 ml water

1 tsp olive oil

Some flour for the work surface


1 red onion

500 g spinach

400 g feta cheese

2 garlic cloves

1 tsp chilli flakes

salt, pepper


50 g butter


In a bowl, mix the flour, salt, olive oil, and around 300 ml of water. Use your hands to knead the mixture until you have a smooth, non-sticky dough, which should take about 10 minutes.

Cover the dough and let it rest for at least 45 minutes.


While the dough is resting, let’s prepare the filling. Start by finely dicing the onion and frying it in a non-stick pan with a little oil.

Add the spinach, cover it with a lid, and cook until the spinach wilts.

Then, add the feta, garlic, chili, salt, and pepper. Mix everything together well and season to taste. Set the filling aside.


Divide the dough into 12 pieces and shape each piece into a round shape. Cover the dough and let it stand for 15 minutes.

Sprinkle some flour on the work surface and roll out one piece of dough very thinly. Aim for an even thinner consistency if possible.

Spread the fillings on one half of the rolled-out dough, leaving some space around the edges. Brush the edge with a little water, then fold the other half over the fillings and press the edges down firmly.

Heat a non-stick frying pan and bake the gözleme for about 5 minutes on each side without adding any fat. Once done, remove the gözleme from the pan and brush both sides with melted butter.

Repeat the process with the remaining dough and fillings until all the gözlemes are prepared.



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Gözleme with Spinach and Feta

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Servings 12 pieces
Author Labsalliebe



  • 600 g Bread Flour
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 270 -300 ml water
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • Some flour for the work surface


  • 1 red onion
  • 500 g spinach
  • 400 g feta cheese
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 tsp chilli flakes
  • salt pepper


  • 50 g butter



  1. In a bowl, mix the flour, salt, olive oil, and around 300 ml of water. Use your hands to knead the mixture until you have a smooth, non-sticky dough, which should take about 10 minutes.

  2. Cover the dough and let it rest for at least 45 minutes.


  1. While the dough is resting, let’s prepare the filling. Start by finely dicing the onion and frying it in a non-stick pan with a little oil.
  2. Add the spinach, cover it with a lid, and cook until the spinach wilts.
  3. Then, add the feta, garlic, chili, salt, and pepper. Mix everything together well and season to taste. Set the filling aside.


  1. Divide the dough into 12 pieces and shape each piece into a round shape. Cover the dough and let it stand for 15 minutes.
  2. Sprinkle some flour on the work surface and roll out one piece of dough very thinly. Aim for an even thinner consistency if possible.
  3. Spread the fillings on one half of the rolled-out dough, leaving some space around the edges.

  4. Brush the edge with a little water, then fold the other half over the fillings and press the edges down firmly.

  5. Heat a non-stick frying pan and bake the gözleme for about 5 minutes on each side without adding any fat.

  6. Once done, remove the gözleme from the pan and brush both sides with melted butter.

  7. Repeat the process with the remaining dough and fillings until all the gözlemes are prepared.

Save the recipe for later on Pinterest!

Have you cooked this or maybe another delicious recipe of mine? Feel free to leave me a comment below. If you tag your picture on Instagram with @labsalliebe  and use the hashtag #labsalliebe, I won’t miss a post and will be happy to leave you a comment as well. Can’t wait to see your creations.


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