All posts tagged: SUMMER

Torshi Torobche - Quick Pickled Radishes ترشی تربچه

Torshi Torobche – Quick Pickled Radishes ترشی تربچه

TORSHI TOROBCHE – QUICK PICKLED RADISHES ترشی تربچه Hey Darling! Just a quick reminder about pickled radishes. They’re not just crunchy and refreshing; they’re also perfect for pickling. Torshi Torobche – Quick Pickled Radishes (ترشی تربچه) is a popular side dish in Persian cuisine. The pickled radishes add a spicy note to any dish and are super easy to prepare. I’m excited to share my favorite pickled radish recipe with you today. This simple recipe will add a fresh twist to your kitchen. It combines the natural spiciness of the radishes and the tanginess of the vinegar brew for a unique flavor you won’t forget. Give it a try and be inspired by this Persian classic! Enjoy the process and your delicious creation!

Omelette Godje Faranghi – Persian Omelet املت گوجه فرنگی

Omelette Godje Faranghi – Persian Omelet املت گوجه فرنگی

Today I am serving a savory breakfast – a classic, trendy Persian dish called Omelette Godje Faranghi – Persian Omelet املت گوجه فرنگی. In Persia, omelet means a dish with eggs, but it’s quite different from the omelets you may know from Germany, France, or Italy. To prepare persian omelet we use scrambled eggs with fried tomatoes, tomato paste, and spices. We serve it with hot Persian tea, fresh herbs, sir torshi (pickled garlic), fresh traditional Nan-e Lavash, Nan-e Barbari, Nan-e Taftoon, or Nan-e Sangak. Omelet is also often enjoyed with simple steamed rice. So, roll up your sleeves, switch on the stove, and heat the pan to make a delicious breakfast. Enjoy your meal! watch my preparation video on Instagram

Loobia Polo – Persian Rice with Green Beans and Ground Meat لوبیا پلو

Loobia Polo – Persian Rice with Green Beans and Ground Meat لوبیا پلو

Welcome to another culinary adventure! Today, let’s delve into the world of Persian cuisine with a beloved traditional dish: Loobia Polo – Persian Rice with Green Beans and Ground Meat (لوبیا پلو). This savory and flavorful dish combines fragrant spices, juicy ground meat, aromatic tomatoes, and crunchy green beans into a delightful meal that can be enjoyed as a main course or for special occasions. With its simple preparation and harmonious blend of ingredients, Loobia Polo is sure to enchant your taste buds. Enjoy your meal and have fun cooking! Watch my preparation video on Instagram

Morabay-e Toot Faranghi – Low Sugar Strawberry Jam

Morabay-e Toot Faranghi – Low Sugar Strawberry Jam

When you think of Persian cuisine, images of fragrant rice, spicy kebabs, and exotic spices immediately come to mind. But did you know that Persians are also masters at making jams? One special treat is Morabay-e Toot Faranghi – Low Sugar Strawberry Jam (مربای توت فرنگی), which impresses with its intense flavor and natural sweetness. The unique aromas of lemon and rose water make any breakfast a feast.

Causa Rellena Vegana with Mixed Leaf Salad

Causa Rellena Vegana with Mixed Leaf Salad

I have been on a fascinating journey through Peruvian cuisine and discovered Causa Rellena Vegana with Mixed Leaf Salad. This authentic Peruvian recipe was kindly given to me by our favorite Peruvian Restaurant, “Mi Peru” in Darmstadt. Causa is an authentic part of Peruvian cuisine that has its place in every household. Following the motto Veganuary, I’m trying to eat vegan as much as possible throughout the month, so I made Causa Rellena vegan with Mixed Leaf Salad. The vegan version is a cold layered starter made from spicy potatoes and a filling of avocado and quinoa. The filling can differ due to local and regional tastes. You can prepare it with tuna, chicken, seafood, or as vegetarian and vegan. Causa’s great secret is its adaptable flavor and flexibility to suit personal tastes.

Torshi Liteh – pickled vegetables ترشی لیته

Torshi Liteh – pickled vegetables ترشی لیته

We start pickling vegetables for the winter in late summer and autumn. Torshi Liteh – pickled vegetables ترشی لیته, which is very popular in Iran, is quite tasty. Torshi comes from the word torsh, which means sour, and so it is. If you like pickles, you’ll love my torshi recipe. The vegetables and spice mixes in torshi can vary depending on the region and preferences. The preparation is simple and quick as a flash.

Yatimcheh – Vegan Eggplant Stew یتیمچه

Yatimcheh – Vegan Eggplant Stew یتیمچه

Yatimcheh – Vegan Eggplant Stew یتیمچه is a vegan Persian recipe that you can prepare in no time. It is a popular and wide-spread traditional recipe from across the country in Iran. In addition, it is an inexpensive and tasty dish with simple ingredients, as we use everything from the fields and meadows. It tastes great in late summer with sweet, fresh tomatoes. Yatimcheh is a one-pot dish, and the ingredients are layered up in a pan or pot. The main ingredients are eggplants, tomatoes, multicoloured peppers, potatoes, onions and garlic. Turmeric provides for slightly sweet, spicy and tangy notes. The ingredients are similar to French ratatouille, but the taste is quite different. Well, do you like my healthy and shape-friendly dish now? Head to the kitchen and get started right away.

Majoon – Banana Date Ice Cream Shake with Lotus Biscoff معجون با لوتوس

Majoon – Banana Date Ice Cream Shake with Lotus Biscoff معجون با لوتوس

It’s finally warm again, and what could be better than a cooling, refreshing, and rich ice cream shake? My Majoon – banana date ice cream shake with Lotus Biscoff معجون با لوتوس also helps to keep you cool. Majoon, sometimes called Vitamineh, is a popular energy shake from Iran. This delicious and natural ice cream shake is made with bananas, dates, nuts, vanilla ice cream, cream, Lotus Biscoff caramel biscuits ( unpaid ad), and caramel Topping. Prepare my creamy caramel ice cream shake before drinking to avoid the ingredients separating again. Stay cool!

Sharbat-e Khakshir Nabat – Persian Summer Drink

Sharbat-e Khakshir Nabat – Persian Summer Drink

Do you crave for a refreshing summer drink on hot summer days? We drink Sharbat-e Khakshir Nabat – Persian Summer Drink in Iran when it’s hot. A healthy and delicious Persian refreshment drink made from Sophia herb seeds, fresh spring water, rose water, lemon juice (optional), ice cubes, and saffron candied sticks. This drink cools you from the inside, is quick to prepare, tastes delicious, and will quench your thirst. The seeds are heavy, and sink to the bottom of the glass and should be stirred just before drinking. The stirring makes them dance their way to the top. If you travel to Iran, you should try Sharbat-e Khakshir Nabat – Persian Summer Drink in a Ab Miveh Forooshi (juice bar), you can get this cool refreshing drink at every corner. Find here some more Sharbat recipes on my blog.

Borani Kadoo - Zucchini Yogurt Dip بورانی کدو

Borani Kadoo – Zucchini Yogurt Dip بورانی کدو

*Ad in Cooperation with Aldi-Süd* As the summer temperatures call for a cooling down, my recipe Borani Kadoo – Zucchini Yoghurt Dip بورانی کدو hits the spot. Best of all, the simple and healthy dip already has veggies in it. Make it with “Nur Nur Natur organic yogurt”, and pack the savory dip with courgette, carrots, and fresh herbs like dill and parsley. In addition to salt and pepper, garlic adds a spicy touch. You can prepare this refreshing dip with organic yogurt with minimal effort and get maximum attention at a barbecue party. Since grilled food harmonizes perfectly with spicy yogurt, cut a courgette lengthwise into three pieces and barbecue it. You’ll love this contrast between hot and cold on your tongue. This recipe is a big hit at barbecues!