Vavishka is a quick and easy Persian skillet dish, a speciality from Gilan at the Caspian Sea. In Gilan it is called “Vavij” or “Vabij” which means steaming. There are various versions of Vavishka. I prepared Vavishka from minced meat, onions, tomatoes, and seasoned it with turmeric, lemon juice, Advieh – a Persian spice blend and topped it with eggs. The unique flavor of this dish is the spice blend Advieh – the jewel among the spices of the Persian cuisine. It gives the dish a warm, sweet floral flavor. If you don’t have Advieh use these ingredients: 1 tsp cinnamon, 1/4 tsp mixed cardamom, 1 tsp rose petal powder, 1/2 tsp mixed saffron, 1/2 tsp mixed coriander, 1 tsp dried lime powder and some nutmeg. Vary the ingredients according to your own taste.
It goes best with Nan-e Barbari – Persian flatbread, Nan-e Taftoon – Persian pan-fried Nan bread, Salad Shirazi – Persian tomato and cucumber salad and Sabzi Khordan – Persian herb platter, Sir Torsi – pickled garlic, Torshi – pickled vegetables or yogurt. I serve it with sheep yogurt, seasoned with salt and pepper and topped with pomegranate seeds.
“Jaghoor Baghoor” or “Vavishka Sonati” is the original version of Vavishka and is prepared with tender lamb liver, kidney, and heart. Innards spoil very quickly, so make sure they are fresh when you buy them. When preparing lamb liver, remove the outer skin and tubes. Lamb heart is intense in flavor and streaked with fine fibers, be sure to remove the fat and the canes. Soak lamb kidneys for at least an hour before preparation. To prepare, dice 200g of lamb liver, 200g of lamb heart, and 100g of lamb kidney and use instead of minced meat.
“Vavishkay-e Morgh” – is a version with diced chicken. Instead of minced meat, add 500 g of chicken breast and cut it into small cubes.
The vegetarian vavishka is prepared either with potatoes or peeled eggplants. To prepare the vegetarian version, replace the minced meat with 500 g of potatoes or 500 g of eggplants.
Many dishes in Gilan contain garlic, so you find Vavishka recipes with garlic. Sometimes I prepare it with and sometimes without garlic. I have not used garlic in this recipe. Instead, I serve my home-pickled garlic with Vavishka. If you want to use garlic, I recommend two garlic cloves but you can add garlic to your taste.
With this post, I participate in the Food Blog Party “Lecker für jeden Tag – Schnelle Rezepte. Check out the german recipes of our bloggers, some delicious recipes came together that you can prepare in 30 minutes or less.
Franziska von LiebDings: Käsefondue
Tina von Küchenmomente: Apfel-Quark-Brötchen aus dem Backofen
Ina von Applethree: Garnelensalat mit Kokosmilch-Limetten-Dressing
Martina von Kinderkuecheundso: Cremiges Avocado-Pesto
Stephie von kohlenpottgourmet: 30 Minuten Erdnuss-Nudel-Suppe mit Pak Choi und Limette
Jessi von Jessis Schlemmerkitchen: Rote Linsensuppe
Anastasia von Papilio Maackii: Quinotto mit Champignons
Marie-Louise von Küchenliebelei: Salat mit Cranberry-Dressing und Hackbällchen
Gülsah von Sommermadame: Schnelle Nudeln mit Avocado und Tomaten
Marie von FaBa-Familie aus Bamberg: Gefüllte Pfannkuchen
Alexa von Keks & Koriander: Jerusalemteller mit Putenfleisch und Hummus
Rebecca von Sansanrebecca: Gabelbissen ‒ Omas Kaffeekekse
Kathleen von Kathys Küchenkampf: Gemüsepuffer mit Kräuterquark
Susan von Labsalliebe: Vavishka
Silke von Blackforestkitchen: Schwarzwald-Pizza
Christina von krimiundkeks: Schnelle Apple-Pie-Cookies
Isabelle von ÜberSee-Mädchen: Pekannuss-Schoko-Cookies
Jill von Kleines Kuliversum: Grünes Thaicurry mit Gemüse
Frances von carry on cooking: Gegrilltes Käsetoast “Italien Style”
Fränkische Tapas: Leberkäse mit Spinat und Spiegelei
Rezepte Silkeswelt: Schnelle Crownuts
for 4 people
2 large shallots (banana shallots)
1 tbsp oil
1 tsp turmeric*
500 g ground beef
1 tsp Advieh*
or make your own Spice Mix:
1 tsp Ceylon cinnamon*
1/4 tsp cardamom*
1 tsp rose petals, ground*
1/2 tsp saffron*
1/2 tsp. coriander*
1 tsp. dried lime powder*
a little nutmeg*
1 pinch cayenne pepper*.
salt and pepper
1 lemon
4 ripe tomatoes
2 tablespoons tomato paste
4 eggs
4 spring onions
2-3 tbsp flat-leaf parsley
2-3 tbsp. chives
Chop shallots into rings and sauté in oil, and add turmeric and turn once. Add minced meat and fry.
Add Advieh, cayenne pepper, salt, and pepper, or blend a mixture of 1 tsp Ceylon cinnamon, 1/4 tsp mixed cardamom, 1 tsp mixed rose petals, 1/2 tsp mixed saffron, 1/2 tsp mixed coriander, 1 tsp separated lime powder and some nutmeg and add.
Now add 300 ml water and simmer for 15 minutes. Squeeze the lemon and set it aside. Cut tomatoes crosswise and blanch them in a bowl with hot water. Scoop out the first tomato, peel off the skin, and continue until all the tomatoes are peeled. Cut tomatoes in half and into cubes, stir them into the meat with the tomato paste and lemon juice, and simmer for another 10 minutes.
After 10 minutes, beat in the eggs and let them set.
Slice the spring onions, cut the chives into rings, remove the stems from the parsley, and chop them finely.
Place vavishka on a plate and sprinkle with herbs.
The items marked with * are affiliate links, referral links. If you buy through this link, I get a small commission. The price stays the same for you and you can easily support my efforts. A big thank you ♥

Vavishka – A Quick Persian Skillet Dish
Vavishka is a quick and easy Persian skillet dish, a speciality from Gilan at the Caspian Sea.
- 2 large shallots (banana shallots)
- 1 tbsp oil
- 1 tsp turmeric
- 500 g ground beef
- tsp Advieh
- 1 tsp Ceylon cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp cardamom
- 1 tsp rose petals ground
- 1/2 tsp saffron
- 1/2 tsp coriander
- 1 tsp dried lime powdered
- a pinch nutmeg
- a pinch cayenne pepper
- salt, pepper
- 1 lemon
- 4 ripe tomatoes
- 2 tbsp tomato paste
- 4 eggs
- 4 spring onions
- 2-3 tbsp flat-leaf parsley
- 2-3 chives
Chop shallots into rings and sauté in oil, and add turmeric and turn once.
Add minced meat and fry.
Add Advieh, cayenne pepper, salt, and pepper or
blend a mixture of 1 tsp Ceylon cinnamon, 1/4 tsp mixed cardamom, 1 tsp mixed rose petals, 1/2 tsp mixed saffron, 1/2 tsp mixed coriander, 1 tsp separated lime powder and some nutmeg and add.
Now add 300 ml water and simmer for 15 minutes.
Squeeze the lemon and set it aside.
Cut tomatoes crosswise and blanch them in a bowl with hot water.
Scoop out the first tomato, peel off the skin, and continue until all the tomatoes are peeled.
Cut tomatoes in half and into cubes, stir them into the meat with the tomato paste and lemon juice, and simmer for another 10 minutes.
After 10 minutes, beat in the eggs and let them set
Slice the spring onions, cut the chives into rings, remove the stems from the parsley, and chop them finely.
Place vavishka on a plate and sprinkle with herbs.
Have you cooked this or maybe another delicious recipe of mine? Feel free to leave me a comment below. If you tag your picture on Instagram with @labsalliebe and use the hashtag #labsalliebe, I won’t miss a post and will be happy to leave you a comment as well. Can’t wait to see your creations.