All posts tagged: oriental decoration

Norooz Sprouts

Norooz Sprouts

Sabzeh is a symbol of spring, a part of the Haft Sin for Norooz and symbolizes vivacity, liveliness and the beginning of new life, bursting from the seeds. Today I’ll show you how to start growing your own Sabzeh for Norooz, or Easter Grass for Easter, from lentils or wheat. We grow Sabzeh from different seeds some grow it from lentils, others from barley or mung beans. I like to grow Sabzeh from wheat seeds as to my eyes the green of wheat grass looks beautiful. Watch daily the seeds turn into beautiful green grass. You can grow Sabzeh Norooz Sprouts with or without soil. I’ll show you the version without soil. You will need some time in advance and should start 10 – 14 days before Norooz or Easter. Watch Video on Instagram