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Detox Drink

Detox Drink

If you suffer from high blood pressure or any other heart troubles,

Please do not apply this cure.

Natron contains a lot of salt,

as a result the blood pressure will increase.

Detox Drink

Both ingredients are inexpensive and may,

in fact, already be at home.

Healthy persons make sure to drink in the morning

on an empty stomach for a better effect.

 Detox Drink 1


Luke springwater

1 organic Lemon

1/2 teaspoon Natron (sodium bicarbonate without aluminium)

 Detox Drink 2


Mix the Squeezed lemonjuice with the sodium bicarbonate,

please do not fill up the glass with the lukewarm springWater,

as the mix will foam over very quickly.

Detox Drink Health Benefits

Positive effects on digestion

Supports correct functions of digestive tract

Positive effects on digestion

Help for frequent heartburn pain and gas painsi

It revs up your liver and gall bladder function

Rich in Vit. C, Kalium and Antioxidants

The metabolism gets stimulated

It boosts fat-flushing processes in your body

It neutralizes cell-damaging free radicals

Helps prevent cholesterol build-up

Stimulates lymph flow

Detoxifies your body from carcinogens.

alkalinize your body

Go for this for 2 Weeks followed by a gap of 2 Weeks.

In this 2 Weeks just go ahead with spring water and the lemon.




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