All posts tagged: gourmet cuisine

Blinis with Caviar and Champagne

Blinis with Caviar and Champagne

Is there anything better than waiting for midnight with caviar*, blinis*, and champagne*? The blinis have a light nutty flavor as they are made with buckwheat flour. On top, you can add a spoon of cool sour cream, a scoop of caviar, and a sprig of fresh dill. If you want, you can also add a quail’s egg and some finely chopped shallots. You have more blinis than caviar, no problem! Top some with wild salmon* and salmon roe* instead. Pair it with a glass of champagne* to bring out the flavors, or enjoy it with ice-cold vodka*. For the best taste, take a sip of vodka or champagne first to cleanse your palate, just like the gourmets do. Turn on some music, relax, and get ready to welcome the New Year in style!