Between July and November is fig season and I got some very nice examples from our neighbor. I don’t know why I have not yet planted my own fig tree in the garden, but it’s definitely time to do. Morabay-e Anjir – fig jam مربای انجیر is made from fresh whole figs and is infused with cardamom, vanilla and saffron. Believe me, the spicy and oriental sweet fragrance is a true joy for your senses. In daily life, quince, carrot, rose or cherry jam are more popular in Persia. Honey-sweet fig jam, on the other hand, is served with bread, butter or clotted cream more on special occasions for breakfast. A sweet delight for real gourmets.
Do you like more pureed fruit jam or as I do with whole fruits, or do you like more jelly? For me, the jam has to be either with whole fruits or as jelly from fruit juice. Pureed or even with only chopped fruits is, unfortunately, no way to me. In Persia, jams are usually made from whole fruits, and that’s exactly how I like it. My fig jam tastes very delicious with lavash or taftoon bread. But it also pairs well with cheese, especially the combination with sheep’s cheese, goat cheese, Manchego, Camembert, or Brie. I also like to stir my jam into yogurt or cottage cheese. It is also especially delicious on pancakes or crepes. This delicious homemade fig jam is very unique and is a great gift from the kitchen when presented in beautiful jars, decorated with great labels.
Sugar naturally provides preservation. I generally prepare my jams in a 2:1 ratio, which is 2 parts fruit and 1 part sugar. I.e. but the less sugar, the lower the storage period. For this recipe you don’t need any preserving sugar, just use some lemon juice or citric acid instead, this will help the jam to gel and it will last for about 6 months. However, we eat it up so quickly that it does not last that long.
Figs have warm and moist properties in Teb-e Sonati, a traditional Persian medicine. The oldest fruit in the world tastes sweet and juicy, by the way, it is low in calories and healthy. Fresh figs are a true superfood, as they provide minerals calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Trace elements contain phosphorus and iron. Calcium is essential for bones and protects them from osteoporosis. Potassium normalizes blood pressure and supports heart functions. A high magnesium content promotes cell regeneration and energy balance relaxes muscles and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Iron, phosphorus, and folic acid help your body to produce blood and are responsible for oxygen transport in the body. In addition, folic acid is important for cell division.
Figs contain high levels of vitamins A, B, C, E, H, and K. Vitamin A is also called retinol, it is good for the skin and mucous membranes and the eyes. B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9) regulate metabolism, are important for nerves, and lighten the mood. Vitamin E strengthens the immune system. Figs contain biotin the vitamin H, which supports healthy skin, and provides strong hair and fingernails. Biotin activates enzyme reactions, which are important for a healthy metabolism.
Vitamin K and calcium are good for bone health. If you eliminate dairy products in your diet, figs are a beneficial source of calcium from plants. In Persia, we use the juice of figs to treat warts. Figs also contain digestive enzymes and filling fiber. It is an alkalizing fruit that balances the acids in the intestines and provides it with plenty of fibers. Figs stimulate the intestines, and digestion and are therefore a natural, gentle laxative that is helpful in cases of mild obstipation.
The days are getting shorter. The leaves on the trees are changing color and falling, and nature is slowly preparing for its winter nap. But in the fields and garden beds, it’s harvesting time. This month, the theme of Delicious for Every Day is ” Autumn Fruits.” Surely the first things you think of when you think of autumn fruits are apples and pears, but figs belong definitely to autumn fruits. Some delicious recipes have come together, just take a look at the other recipes and let yourself be inspired.
Johanna von Dinkelliebe mit Saftiger Apfel-Streuselkuchen vom Blech – so lecker wie bei Oma
Gabi von Langsamkochtbesser mit Schnelle Apfelteilchen
Kathrina von Küchentraum & Purzelbaum mit Pflaumenkuchen mit Marzipangitter
Caroline von Linal’s Backhimmel mit Apfel Cider Gugelhupf
Cornelia von SilverTravellers mit Tarte Tatin – einfaches Rezept für die französische Karamell-Apfeltarte
Sonja von fluffig & hart mit Chicorée im Speckmantel
Bettina von homemade & baked mit Apfel Zucchini Marmelade
Tanja von Liebe&Kochen mit Griesbrei mit Zwetschgenmus
Martina von ninamanie mit Butterkuchen mit Zwetschgen und Mandeltopping
Sylvia von Brotwein mit Zwetschgenmus / Pflaumenmus
Britta von Backmaedchen 1967 mit Joghurt-Zwetschgen Kuchen
Thomas und Simone von zimtkringel mit Herrn zimtkringels Zwätschgechuechä
Urs von Coconut & Cucumber mit Schoko Zucchini Brownies
Silke von Blackforestkitchen mit Apfel-Brombeer Rosenkuchen
Bianca von ELBCUISINE mit Feta in grandioser Tomaten-Marinade
Britta von Brittas Kochbuch mit Apfelkuchen mit Vanillepudding und Mandelstreuseln
Volker von volkermampft mit Omas böhmische Pflaumenknödel – Spezialität aus dem Sudetenland
For 3 jars
250 g sugar
500 g figs
1 lemon, juice of it
80 ml boiling water
1/4 tsp vanilla extract*
1/4 tsp saffron threads*
Prick figs all around with a fork and let them stand with sugar at room temperature for at least 24 hours.
Place the sugared figs in a saucepan and simmer for 15 min. They mustn’t fall apart, so simmer only at medium temperature. Keep skimming off the foam. Crush cardamom pods and add. Now add 80 ml boiling water and continue to simmer for 5 – 10 minutes.
Add lemon juice and 1/4 tsp vanilla extract. In a mortar, finely grind 1/4 tsp saffron threads and pour over 30 ml boiling water, add to the jam and simmer for another 5 minutes. Put a small drop of the jam on a cold plate, if the drop thickens and has the desired thickness, then the jam is ready. If the jam is still too runny, cook it a little longer.
In the meantime, rinse jam jars properly and dry them in the oven at 120 degrees for 15 min. Then pour the fig jam into the hot jars and seal the lid tightly.
Store the fig jam in a dark and cool place if possible, it will keep for about half a year. After opening it, enjoy it as soon as possible and then store it in the refrigerator.
The items marked with * are affiliate links, referral links. If you buy through this link, I get a small commission. The price stays the same for you and you can easily support my efforts. A big thank you ♥

Morabay-e Anjir – Fig Jam مربای انجیر
Morabay-e Anjir – fig jam مربای انجیر is made from fresh whole figs and is infused with cardamom, vanilla and saffron.
- 250 g sugar
- 500 g Figs
- 2 cardamom pods
- 1 lemon juice of it
- 80 ml boiling water
- 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/4 tsp saffron threads
Prick figs all around with a fork and let them stand with sugar at room temperature for at least 24 hours.
Place the sugared figs in a saucepan and simmer for 15 min. They mustn’t fall apart, so simmer only at medium temperature.
Keep skimming off the foam.
Crush cardamom pods and add.
Now add 80 ml boiling water and continue to simmer for 5 – 10 minutes.
Add lemon juice and 1/4 tsp vanilla extract.
In a mortar, finely grind 1/4 tsp saffron threads and pour over 30 ml boiling water, add to the jam and simmer for another 5 minutes.
Put a small drop of the jam on a cold plate, if the drop thickens and has the desired thickness, then the jam is ready. If the jam is still too runny, cook it a little longer.
In the meantime, rinse jam jars properly and dry them in the oven at 120 degrees for 15 min.
Then pour the fig jam into the hot jars and seal the lid tightly.
Store the fig jam in a dark and cool place if possible, it will keep for about half a year. After opening it, enjoy it as soon as possible and then store it in the refrigerator.
Save the recipe for later on Pinterest!
Have you cooked this or maybe another delicious recipe of mine? Feel free to leave me a comment below. If you tag your picture on Instagram with @labsalliebe and use the hashtag #labsalliebe, I won’t miss a post and will be happy to leave you a comment as well. Can’t wait to see your creations.
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